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    What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it

    Table of Contents
    1. What is Grabr?
    2. What can I buy on Grabr?
    3. Is Grabr safe?
    4. How to make money with Grabr?
    5. How to shop with Grabr?
    6. How do I register a trip on Grabr?

      With the rise in the prices of products from the most diverse segments, importing has become the preferred alternative for millions of Spaniards. Escaping the high tax rates applied here is the biggest goal, especially for fans and technology enthusiasts, one of the niches that suffer the most from the problem.

      O Grabr is a solution created thinking about those who want to purchase an item without having to travel abroad and not paying the high prices practiced here. But is Grabr reliable? And what can you buy through it? Check out the answer to these and other questions in this article. Techlifers.

      What is Grabr?

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      American startup was founded 6 years ago

      Grabr is an American startup based in the city of San Francisco. Founded in 2015, it now covers several countries around the world, including Spain. It is considered a kind of social network that connects travelers with people interested in buying items from other parts of the world, in this way, buyers save with high shipping fees and, on the other hand, travelers receive a “reward” for their services. : 10 to 20% of the total cost of the item. The platform charges a service fee of around 6% and the purchase tax is 8%. It is possible to access it through a browser or a smartphone, be it a iPhone ou Android.

      As is to be expected, the majority of Grabr's orders are served by people destined for the United States, mainly the cities of Miami and Orlando. Therefore, traditional discount dates such as the Black Friday, held at the end of November, and Amazon Prime Day, in July, alone are responsible for an increase of up to 60% in transactions through the app.

      What can I buy on Grabr?

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      Items such as wine, household items, and electronics can be purchased through Grabr.

      It is possible to buy everything through the platform, as long as a seller is willing to deliver the product to you. Household items, clothing, wine and electronic devices are among the most sought after by users. The main purchases on Grabr happen on well-known sites such as Amazon, Apple, Walmart and others that usually do not ship products to Spain or that charge high fees for Spaniards.

      Even out of season and offer dates, purchases made through the service are still very advantageous. The most purchased item, for example, is the AirPods, wireless headset Apple. On the official website of Tim Cook's company in the United States, you can find it for US$ 159. With the conversion to reais and the inclusion of fees already performed automatically by the application, the final value is US$ 220,89, which gives R$ 1.272,50 in direct conversion. On the Apple website in Spain, the same AirPods with charging case costs R$ 1.899,00.

      Is Grabr safe?

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      Platform has features aimed at the safety of its users.

      Is Grabr safe? This is one of the main doubts of those who are thinking about using the platform to purchase a product. On the website itself you can find the following: “At Grabr, trust is our top priority, and we work hard to ensure that our community treats all members with great respect”.

      The startup adopts some security protocols that bring more peace of mind when making a purchase. One of them is the Buyer's Warranty, which allows payment to be passed on to the traveler only after delivery of the order. If there is any problem, either because the product was not delivered or arrived damaged, it is possible to request a full refund of the amount paid. For the traveler, the charge is processed by Grabr when the offer is accepted by the buyer.

      How to make money with Grabr?

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      Negotiations represent 10 to 20% of the value of the product that the buyer negotiates.

      Grabr can be a great opportunity for travelers to earn some extra cash. Negotiations normally represent 10 to 20% of the value of the product that the buyer negotiates. The first step is to inform the cities of origin and destination, in addition to the dates on which the trip will take place. With the account already created, all you have to do is select which orders you will be able to fulfill and make an offer to the buyer.

      In the case of purchases in virtual stores, you can ask for delivery to be made, for example, at the place where you are staying. THE Techlifers prepared a tutorial to help you when buying or traveling with Grabr. Check it out below.

      How to shop with Grabr?

      Step 1: The website of Grabr It has a very intuitive interface. Access it, create an account (or log in if you already have one) and choose the “Order with Grabr” option.

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      Go to the website and choose the option “Piece with Grabr”

      Step 2: Paste the link of the product you want to buy and then click on “Place an order”.

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      Paste the product page link

      Step 3: Grabr will automatically include details about the item. However, carefully review the information presented to make sure details such as color, size and model are correct. Confirm item information such as name, details and price and click “Next” to continue.

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      Check and confirm item details

      Step 4: Confirm your address and choose the maximum period you are willing to wait for the product to be delivered and click “Next” to proceed with the purchase. Remembering that the longer the period available, the more offers will be available to you.

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      Set desired location and timeout

      Step 5: An order summary will be displayed, containing information such as the chosen product model, address and the total purchase amount already converted to the local currency. Click “Order Delivery Offers” to complete the order.

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      An application summary is presented before completion

      Step 6: After all these steps, now all you have to do is wait for the travellers to send you offers. With each new offer received, you will be notified by email. It is also possible to ask questions and talk directly with the traveler to arrange delivery. After accepting the offer, payment is made through the platform, which can be by credit card or bank transfer.

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      Follow the offers received through the dashboard

      How do I register a trip on Grabr?

      Step 1: Go to the Grabr website and select the “Travel with Grabr” option.

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      Go to the Grabr website and choose “Travel with Grabr”

      Step 2: Include information about your trip, such as origin and destination, dates and click on “Add trip”. Once this is done, click on “Add trip”.

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      Add your travel dates

      Step 3: Your trip details have been successfully added. To view all available information and offers, just click on the desired section.

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      Check the sections of the registered trip

      Step 4: Now you can monitor orders for the period and make offers to buyers. On the same page you can also track your earnings with confirmed deliveries.

      What is Grabr? Learn more about the travel shopping site and how to use it
      Track orders and make your offers

      Ready! Now you can take advantage of the tips from Techlifers and use Grabr to buy that much-desired product from abroad, or if that's the case, earn extra money during your trip!

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