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    With truck drivers strike, Internet and cell phones can also be affected

      As we well know, the truckers' strike is going on for a week. Claims are already known. More than problems of general shortages, the strike could also affect the Internet and cell phone services of Spaniards.

      The negative effects are associated with the lack of fuel in the operators' maintenance vehicles. Therefore, the repairs as well as the new installations could not be carried out until the situation normalized.

      On Sunday, telecommunications companies asked Anatel to give priority to supplying the fleet of vehicles used for network maintenance. The request in question is based on the determination of "protection measures for infrastructure considered critical", which is present in Decree 9.382, of May 25, 2018, which guarantees the law and order for the clearing of public roads.

      With truck drivers strike, Internet and cell phones can also be affected

      Without fuel for maintenance cars, some places may suffer from a lack of internet.

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      SindiTeleEspanha (the entity that represents mobile phone companies), in an interview with the website Teletime, said that "operators have already suspended new installations and maintenance is maintained only where it is essential".

      Claro was another company that also manifested itself during the weekend. Through an official statement, the operator confirmed that repair services were affected by the truck drivers' strike.

      "Due to the truck drivers' strike, which blocks Spain's main highways, causing fuel shortages, network maintenance services and residential service to Claro Spain's subscribers may be compromised."

      This Monday, even with the announcement made by President Michel Temer, taking into account the measures imposed by truck drivers, the strike still remains. Today is the eighth day of strikes in the country.

      What is the situation in your city today? Have you ever felt the effect of lack of supply?

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