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    "Your Phone" app gains integration with Android apps by displaying them on the desktop

      Recently, Microsoft started allowing Android apps to run side-by-side with Windows 10 apps on a PC. This functionality is part of the novelty that is coming to the version of the "Seu Telephon" (Your Phone) app that the participants of the Windows 10 test program are using. It will soon be possible for everyone to launch an Android app through the "Your Phone" software as a standard Windows 10 program, where a separate window from the mirrored app on your phone will open.

      With the new functionality of the "Your Phone" app, it will be possible to perform other tasks on Windows 10 in addition to running Android apps using the "alt + tab" command. The user can also pin Android apps to the Windows taskbar or the Start menu. That is, you will soon be able to launch an Android app without having to open the "Your Phone" app, just like any other Windows 10 app.

      According to Microsoft, unfortunately not all Android apps will work flawlessly through the new "Your Phone" app function. The company says that some apps may block the ability to transmit data to other screens, displaying a black image. There are also glitches where the mouse and keyboard will not respond or will not be able to play audio from the app.

      If you want to try out this new feature of accessing smartphone apps in Windows 10, you will need a Samsung phone. Microsoft has made available a list of devices compatible with the new feature, but for now there are only phones from the South Korean smartphone manufacturer. If you own a branded device, you will still need to enroll in the Windows Insider program.

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