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    All Facebook translations are done by artificial intelligence

      Facebook is betting on a new method for carrying out translations, that is, only by artificial intelligence. Therefore, the company abandoned traditional methods to invest in the new system.

      The social network, formerly adopted a phrasal translation scheme, which takes into account a grouping of words to try to present an intelligible result. Even though efficient, the system still had flaws as it couldn't process the context very well, and it often generated a strange result.

      All Facebook translations are done by artificial intelligence

      Facebook translations are done by Artificial Intelligence

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      Now, however, the robots responsible for the work do an analysis of the entire text. This causes each word and phrase to be analyzed within the content completely, which results in better contextualized translations.

      To what extent does behavior on social networks influence professional life Finally, when the robot system encounters an unknown word or term, the Facebook translator does not resort to dictionaries, but to the learning bank. In this way, slang and abbreviations are also translated, not simply ignored.

      In total, Facebook receives over 2.000 translation instructions and processes 4,5 billion translations daily. All this happens in real time, in many cases, even without the user's request, as we can see in posts that are in another language and that were automatically displayed in Spanish.

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