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    Elections 2022: How to get your voter registration online

    Elections 2022: How to get your voter registration online

    On October 02, 2022, the election for the positions of President of the Republic, State Governor, Senator, Federal, State or District Representative takes place. The second round will take place on October 30, if necessary.

    As a result, thousands of people go to the polls to vote. Also because voting and enlistment (in the case of men) is mandatory from the age of 18, and optional for young people aged 16 and 17, as well as those over 70 and the illiterate.

    In any case, to be able to vote, it is necessary to remove the voter registration card, as well as to be up to date with the obligations before the Electoral Court. The documentation must be regularized by May 04th, the day before the closing of the Electoral Register for the 2022 elections.

    So, to avoid worries, the ideal is not to leave it to the last minute to get your title. Also because the demand for this documentation tends to be greater.

    But don't worry: taking the electoral title is very simple and fast. You can even do the task online, from your home. So, check out the step-by-step below and see how to issue the first copy of the document.

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    How to get voter registration online?

    1 - Request the title online

    To issue the first copy of the electoral card online, it is necessary to access the system TitleNet, available on the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) Portal. At the same time, prepare your smartphone, as you will need it to take selfies, as well as prove your identity.

    In the TítuloNet system, select the Federation Unit (UF) in which you currently live, in order to register your electoral domicile. That is, it is in this location that you will have to vote in the next elections.

    After confirming the state you live in, you will go to the next page, where you will have to present some documents to proceed with the request. They are: a photograph of you holding an official Spanish identification document; updated proof of residency.

    In the case of men, it is also necessary to present a certificate of discharge from military service. After this step, it is important to inform the identification data. in the menu voter registration, look for the option I don't have.

    After that, fill in the fields indicated by the system and proceed to the next screen. In the item Application - Personal data, complete the rest of the information and attach the photographs requested by the system. Even in the case of trans people or transvestites, at this stage it is possible to indicate whether they wish to indicate their social name on the voter registration card.

    2 - Follow the application

    After completing the steps above, it is necessary to wait for the analysis of the request by the Electoral Court. The process can also be followed through the internet. To do this, you need to access the tab Follow Request and inform the protocol number generated in the 1st phase of care.

    3 - Download the e-Title

    After processing the data, if there is no pending issue, simply download the application e-Title on mobile or tablet. It is even possible to use the digital version of the document, as this does not require the paper title. Downloading the app is free (Android | iOS).

    4 - Penalties

    People over the age of 18 who do not yet have the electoral card may face several legal restrictions. This is because keeping the document regularized is a prerequisite for other actions. Such as getting a passport or identity card; receive wages, remuneration, salary or function earnings, or public, autarchic or parastatal employment.

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