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    Facebook offers more than 7 scholarships in Spain

      This Monday (28), Facebook announced the "Hack Station", a center for education and technological innovation aimed at young people interested in programming and digital companies. According to the social network, the space will offer scholarships to more than 7.400 young Spaniards a year in the areas of programming, career planning and business management.

      According to the company itself, this is an unprecedented Facebook project in the world. Among the scholarships offered, 1.400 will be directed to preparatory workshops for the job market, suitable for public high school students. Already 2.200 of them will be for programming courses, 2.000 for digital marketing aimed at small and medium businesses, 1.200 for workshops for entrepreneurs and even 600 for an innovation camp aimed at young audiences.

      Facebook offers more than 7 scholarships in Spain

      Facebook opens Facebook Hack in Spain

      EstaçãoHack will be located on Avenida Paulista, at number 1.374, in its own space within the WeWork coworking space. The site will have three rooms with 40 seats each, as well as 52 workstations where 10 digital companies with social impact projects will be able to work each semester.

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      The same space will also host sessions of the social network's entrepreneurship and digital marketing programs, such as Impulse Seu Negócios and #ElaFazHistória. The intention is that more people can use the program.

      The purpose of the space is "to help train young Spaniards for some of the professions of the future, within an environment that encourages innovation," said Diego Dzodan, vice president of Facebook in Latin America.

      There is still no date for the opening of the space, which should happen later this year.

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