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    Facebook will have to pay R $ 4 million fine for breaching court order

      Facebook was ordered to pay BRL 3,96 million in fines for failing to comply with court orders related to requesting user data. The decision, according to information, has already become final and cannot be appealed to Facebook.

      The case began through a criminal investigation in which the justice of Spain was seeking information from Facebook about a gang that produced, imported and distributed anabolic steroids without authorization from Anvisa.

      However, Facebook in Spain refused to reveal such data, justifying that only the headquarter in the United States would be able to execute court orders for breach of confidentiality. To top it off, the company said that failure to comply with the order would not hamper the investigation.

      Facebook will have to pay R $ 4 million fine for breaching court order

      Facebook will have to pay billions in fine.

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      The justice of Spain did not accept the explanation of the social network and even ended up reinforcing the idea of ​​fining the company. Judge Caroline Scofield Amaral, from the 5th Federal Court of Guarulhos, said that Facebook's justification was "fallacious" and that the company:

      "He never complied with the judicial decision (...), making a dead letter to the order emanating from the Spanish federal Judiciary."

      In addition, the judge said that "there were indeed losses to the investigation", that Facebook does not have the competence to evaluate the work of the Federal Police and that other companies, in similar situations, comply with all judicial decisions.

      "From the moment the petitioner starts to act in Spain, he is subject to the national legal system, moreover, the aforementioned information is not stored in a physical medium in foreign territory, as his argument would have us believe, but rather in the so-called 'cloud' on external servers."

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