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    Fake job pages deceive more than 300 Spaniards

      According to a study carried out by the IBGE, in Spain there are more than 13 million unemployed today. Taking advantage of the unfortunate situation, digital opportunists are applying scams with the aim of stealing personal data from internet users.

      The discovery was recently made by PSafe, an electronic security company. According to her, more than 30 phishing scams have already been identified on the Spanish internet in the last month, in common they use false job offers to attract victims.

      Fake job pages deceive more than 300 Spaniards

      Fake job pages deceive more than 300 Spaniards.

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      In total, more than 300 people have liked or are even following the Facebook pages that promise job openings and also selective processes, but which are actually nothing more than a scam. The pages in question use forms and images from large companies to hide their real intentions.

      In general, the scam occurs as follows: a Facebook page posts a link indicating a selection process in a large company. The user, when clicking on the link, is faced with a form that requests basic data, such as full name, date of birth and even a vacancy of interest.

      However, following the tradition of most scams, the fake selection process asks the person to share the link with as many people as possible. After that, the victim ends up being induced to register his phone number in a paid SMS service. The person, in some cases, is still directed to unknowingly download a virus on their mobile device.

      According to experts, the best way to avoid becoming the next victim is for the user to "make sure of the veracity of any information before sharing it with their contacts". Therefore, if someone finds a job vacancy on the internet, it is best to look for extra information about the possible vacancy.

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