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    Home office? Discover tips to work from home and beat the coronavirus

    Table of Contents
    1. 1 – Necessary structure for the home office
    2. 2 – Establish a working day
    3. 3 – Use plataformas online
    4. 4 – Make video calls
    5. 5 – Routine to keep your health up to date
    6. 6 – Organize your mess
    7. 7 – Don’t work all the time
    8. 8 – Don’t forget to socialize
    9. 9 – Take off your pajamas
    10. 10 – Know your peak productivity

    The world is going through a moment of ordeal with the pandemic of coronavirus COVID-19. In Spain, the government revealed that more than 301 confirmed cases of the coronavirus COVID-19. The forecast is for the number to double every three days, so the virus will not pass quickly through our Tupiniquin lands. Until the afternoon of this last Monday (16), 234 cases were being counted. The first death by coronavirus happened in São Paulo.

    Contact with other people is a risk, as the virus can be transmitted by sneezing, coughing or a simple greeting. Precisely because of the current scenario, some private and public companies decided to release employees to do home office, or telecommuting.

    A Glassdoor is one of the companies that decided to allow employees to work from home. According to the company's vice president in Latin America, Luciana Calleti, the possibility of working from home was already offered to employees, however, it has now become a preventive measure.

    “I imagine that it will have a great impact to break paradigms and prejudices that existed within the culture in relation to this. Many companies can learn and decide that [home office] doesn't work, others can decide to adopt forever”, Luciana Calleti, vice president of the company in Latin America.

    Home office? Discover tips to work from home and beat the coronavirus
    Establishing a routine, as if you were going to the office, is essential during the home office

    Techlifers brings you some tips to make the most of the home office during this period of care:

    1 – Necessary structure for the home office

    Can your necessary work material stay at home? Not everyone can work in the comfort of their own home, but those who have this privilege should be aware of the structure they need to complete their demands. Companies that recommend the home office must offer everything for employees to do the job in the best way, such as a computer, smartphone or other items, depending on the profession.

    2 – Establish a working day

    Remember, just because you're at home doesn't mean you can use your time to do anything. It can be great to use freedom indoors, but it can also become a problem if you don't know how to manage your time. 

    Apply your discipline to create a work schedule and comply as if you were going to a company. That is, wake up early, set your schedules and establish a routine for your workdays at home.

    3 – Use plataformas online

    You can organize your life in different ways to create a good routine during the home office period and, luckily, online platforms can help you. THE Trello, for example, is a great project management tool, breaking down your tasks into timed boards. You can choose to organize your own organization, or share the platform with your boss. Thus, he can create demands and Trello will send notifications whenever there is a change in the board.

    If you have not adapted to the Trello, don't worry. There are several management tools available in the market, such as taskworld, You must, Microsoft ToDo, Among others.

    4 – Make video calls

    If you need to hold a meeting with your team's collaborators, external customers or other people, prioritize video calls. So you don't have to argue with your boss at WhatsApp because of a text message he didn't understand and he doesn't have to leave the house either.

    You can use various communication programs, such as Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook e WhatsApp.

    5 – Routine to keep your health up to date

    Since you're "stuck" at home, you probably can't do the same common, everyday physical activities, like walking to work or going to the gym. So, book moments of your day to walk around the house, stretch your legs and, if possible, do physical exercises.

    Home office? Discover tips to work from home and beat the coronavirus
    Home office? Discover tips to work from home and beat the coronavirus

    Another important need is to maintain a healthy diet and eat a variety of foods. And of course, don't forget to drink water constantly.

    6 – Organize your mess

    This is a very important tip for your mental health while working from home. Whenever there is time and possible, organize your home so it doesn't get too messy. A disorganized and dirty work environment hinders our comfort and, consequently, can decrease our productivity.

    7 – Don’t work all the time

    Another problem that ends up happening to many people who work from home is the habit of always working. When the office is a part of your home, you are at work all the time, but that doesn't mean you have to work all the time.

    Take breaks during your journey and take advantage of the time you are at home to do other activities, such as cooking, reading and enjoying the time you couldn't get when you left to work away from your home.

    8 – Don’t forget to socialize

    Currently, making contact is not a good idea, however, we need to socialize in some other way. So, be sure to chat and message friends, family and other loved ones.

    Leaving socialization aside can have negative effects, such as depression and loneliness. Just because you're at home doesn't mean you should be isolated from the world. If possible, keep the same socializing routine with the people around you, however, through messages, calls, video calls and other means via the internet.

    9 – Take off your pajamas

    You don't have to wear a suit or wear the same clothes you wore in person at work. However, it is also not a good option to wear pajamas all day. When this type of outfit is chosen, your brain can understand that you are still at home fresh and thus your routine can end up being more unproductive.

    Wear common and light clothes, such as shorts, flip-flops, shirt, t-shirt, among others. Of course, if you believe that wearing your everyday suit will help, do what makes you feel better.

    10 – Know your peak productivity

    Working from home can cause several changes, including employee productivity. Perhaps you realize that your full-time job doesn't work as much as it does at the company. After a few days of working from home, notice what time your productivity peak is and see if this happens repeatedly.

    If possible, talk to your boss and temporarily change your work hours to peak times. For example, if you've noticed that you're working better at night, focus on your nighttime skills.

    Source: Examination e G1

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