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    Mobile Market Share in January in Spain: Samsung leads sales

    It is correct to say that the year 2020 presented an atypical situation, largely due to a crisis caused by the pandemic of the new coronavirus. The market in general was impacted by this crisis, and the smartphone business was one of the most affected.

    Nevertheless, it seems that Samsung did well during this period, and according to a report released by StatCounter, it leads the smartphone sales market in Spain, including in the first month of 2021. This leadership is something that has been achieved a few years ago , which has continued to this day. It is as if the other manufacturers were only fighting for second place in the smartphone market in Spain, as the leadership already belongs to the South Korean giant.

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    Samsung is leader in Spain in January

    During the first month of 2021, the company maintained its average in the number of sales compared to previous months. According to the data, Samsung smartphone sales corresponded to 45,29% of the total sold in the Spanish market. In December 2020, the company reached the percentage of 44,59%.

    If we take into account the same period last year, the number reaches 45,62% in January 2020 and 45,61% in December 2019. During the whole of last year, Samsung maintained practically the same percentage, which is hardly is beaten by some other manufacturer.

    Mobile Market Share in January in Spain: Samsung leads sales

    In January 2021, the Galaxy M51 and Galaxy A71 were the best sellers in Spain.

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    As an example, in January 2021, behind Samsung comes Motorola with a percentage of 21,58% occupying second place, followed by Apple with 13,42% in third place, and without reaching 10% we have Xiaomi , LG, ASUS, Huawei and Alcatel.

    Compare January 2020 and 2021 rankings

    January 2020 percentage January 2021 percentage
    1 Samsung 45,62% Samsung 45,29%
    2 Motorola 23,33% Motorola 21,58%
    3 Apple 12,38% Apple 13,42%
    4 Xiaomi 6,42% Xiaomi 9,05%
    5 LG 6,37% LG 6,55%

    History of 2021

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