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    Samsung may ditch Qualcomm's ultrasonic fingerprint scanner after security breach

    Samsung may ditch Qualcomm's ultrasonic fingerprint scanner after security breach

    Last month, reports surfaced about the Galaxy S10's ultrasonic fingerprint scanner, which was experiencing a flaw that allowed anyone to unlock the system. Later, the problem was also found on the Galaxy Note 10. This caused some banks to remove support for these models.

    For those who don't know, the ultrasonic reader used by Samsung is from Qualcomm, but it seems that the South Korean may abandon this component in the high-end devices of 2020 because of these flaws. A new report points out that there is great concern among smartphone makers regarding the security of the Qualcomm reader.

    It was also said that even before this technology hit the market, industry officials said it "exhibited a greater likelihood of errors." So, the problem found in Samsung models certainly "tarnished" the reader's reputation even more. Furthermore, the same report mentions that Qualcomm's solution has certain limits, and developers need to be very careful when creating certain software.

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    There is an alternative

    Analyzing the market, we see that many companies are betting on the optical reader, which apparently has done very well. These technologies read the fingerprint differently. While the optical uses beams of light to authenticate the fingerprint, the ultrasonic, as its name suggests, does the same process with ultrasonic waves.

    Taking into account all the flaws found earlier, there is a possibility that Samsung is really considering implementing a traditional optical reader in its upcoming Galaxys. Of course, none of this has been confirmed by the company, so let's wait for more details.


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