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    Samsung opens the biggest mobile phone factory in India

      Samsung Electronics has just opened its newest cellphone factory in India, alongside Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and South Korean President Moon Jae-in, and is considered the largest mobile phone factory in the world. The inauguration is a victory for the prime minister's program that aims to attract new investors to manufacture in the country.

      The city where the factory is located is Noida, a satellite city of the capital Delhi. The goal is to be able to produce up to 120 million smartphones a year, most of which are expected to be devices sold for less than $100, along with the most representative smartphones of the brand, such as the Galaxy S9.

      Samsung opens the biggest mobile phone factory in India

      Launch of Galaxy S9.
      At the present time, India has a smartphone market that is considered large and has the potential to grow even more, because of the 1,3 billion population, only 400 million are users. This Noida factory alone can represent a market share alone, according to The Verge, as it will double smartphone production capacity from 68 million to 120 million.

      Samsung is also pushing hard into the Indian market to compete more closely with companies like Xiaomi, for example, which recently passed Samsung as India's biggest smartphone supplier.

      At the same time, Modi's project called "Make in India" ended up increasing tariffs on imported products by category, and in this case smartphones are included. The customs duty on imported cell phones has increased to 20%, but companies such as Samsung and Xiaomi will be less affected, as they produce directly in the Indian market. Apple is also in on this, it produced the SE in India for a while, and currently the 6S has started production in the country as well. 

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      Fonte: Bloomberg | The Verge

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