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    Samsung shows off its new foldable screens for tablets and smartphones

    During the Display Week event that is taking place this week, Samsung Display has revealed a preview of its upcoming technologies developed for foldable smartphones, a market in which Samsung is considered a pioneer. In a video posted to YouTube, the company revealed details of the next generation of flexible OLED displays.

    At least four new projects were presented during the video, some of them as a great innovation and others ready to rival other manufacturers in the market, such as Microsoft, owner of the Surface Neo retractable model.

    Screen that folds in "Z"

    Of all the models, the most surprising design is the S-Fold screen that can bend at two specific points in different directions, turning the phone into a "Z" shape. It has a two-point bending mechanism and can reach 7,2 inches when fully extended, being able to display up to three different applications simultaneously, one next to the other.

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    Samsung shows off its new foldable screens for tablets and smartphones

    S-Foldable display has two folding points. (Image: Playback / Samsung)

    when folded, its size is extremely compact, allowing it to fit inside small pockets, such as those on the front of a jacket or suit jacket. Despite being small, it becomes thicker than the conventional one and still does not explain the level of durability of the displays that are on display, not even the hinges that tend to wear out over time.

    Microsoft take care

    The South Korean giant also showed us a laptop/tablet concept with a 17-inch foldable screen., which works very similarly to Microsoft's Surface Neo. It also appears to be modern and compact, promising to deliver versatility for the types of users looking for productivity.

    Samsung shows off its new foldable screens for tablets and smartphones

    The Foldable Laptop promises to rival Microsoft's Surface Neo. (Image: Playback / Samsung)

    Speaking of laptops, Samsung also presented its version of the technology that promises to be the new trend in the general market. On video, a row of notebooks is presented with the camera being positioned under the dashboard, that is, totally hidden from human eyes.

    Many smartphone companies are trying to develop alternatives for this type of feature that shows a lot of promise, but still encounters many difficulties in its general functioning. The trend is that cell phones and notebooks house this camera display format, which will allow a better use of the screen.

    Samsung shows off its new foldable screens for tablets and smartphones

    The laptop's camera will be hidden behind the display. (Image: Playback / Samsung)
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    LG Rollable, is that you?

    Last but not least, Samsung's promotional video shows off "rollable" displays, a project that we initially saw in the LG Rollable that appeared during CES 2020 and excited the internet. However, with the departure of LG from the smartphone market, the model was canceled.

    Samsung shows off its new foldable screens for tablets and smartphones

    Display "rollable" promises to be one of the great sensations of the market. (Image: Playback / Samsung)

    The premise of this technology is nothing more than expanding the screen and opening a tab to view notifications, but it can also allow sharing content to other devices.

    Until now, Samsung did not reveal any information about the arrival of these novelties in the technological market, but it is an interesting sample about future products.

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