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    10 Instagram profiles for animal lovers

    10 Instagram profiles for animal lovers

    If you are a pet lover, this post is for you! You know that day when stress, fatigue or even anxiety and depression get you? All you need is something to distract yourself and not think about problems or bills to pay - and I guarantee you, these cute animals will make you at least have a good laugh. Thinking about these moments, we created a list with 10 profiles on Instagram for those who like animals.

    They are very beautiful and cute profiles that have one thing in common: the love for the little animals, whether they are well behaved or very naughty. Our tips are intended to make you happy, with images and posts of cats of the most varied styles. We've selected the profile of two canine "brothers" (who seem to love to pose for a lot of pictures), a traveling cat, and even the National Geographic profile, which shows more wild animals. And of course, we also have super mischievous animals that end up becoming memes - even better the ones that are replicating the memes of their human friends.

    I believe that at least one of these Instagram profiles will please you, as they are very diverse and very creative. I confess that I was even jealous, because all these profiles have more followers than I do. But it's super understandable, because they pull themselves in content - or rather, their humans go out of their way to give us cute, beautiful, fun content and offer knowledge. And let's face it, who can compete with a puppy or a cute kitten?

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    10 Instagram profiles for animal lovers

    We are sure of one thing: at least one of these profiles will make your day more pleasant and fun. Want to know which is the most followed profile on the list? Just at the end of the post! Spoiler: Cats are successful. Check only:

    10 - Cute Animals to De-stress - 30,4k followers

    This profile is literally to de-stress you, forget about the bad day and the things that didn't work out, and focus on those cute and cute things on the page. In addition to very cute photos, the page brings memes and even unusual photos of other little animals, such as capybaras, calves, goats, goats and tigers. It's almost a digital zoo!

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    A post shared by Cute Animals to Destress (@animaisfofosparadesestressar)

    9 - Funny Animals - 36,6 thousand followers

    As the page itself makes a point of saying, this profile features "funny, beautiful, furry, shaved, big, small and weird" animals. The purpose here is to make you smile and forget about your problems. I guarantee that a roll in the profile will already make you at least sketch a corner smile!

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    A post shared by FUNNY ANIMALS (@animaisengracadoss)

    8 - Euro and family - 250 thousand followers

    The Euro e Família profile has four dogs, one of them being very curious, as he always seems to be smiling at the photos (no, you didn't read that wrong). Taking advantage of this natural talent, of course the photos look great and he still poses for the most diverse clicks. But as the profile is of the family, we have collective photos for those who like a large (canine) family!

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    A post shared by euro&family (@eurosaurus)

    7 - Sterling - 254 thousand followers

    The profile of the Sterling cat is to make a lot of people jealous of the life of this kitty. The page has well-produced photos in which Sterling travels through the most diverse places. In the highlights, we can see the places he has walked and the photos that record these moments. Too cute, huh?

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    A post shared by Sterling (@sterlingsilvercat)

    6 - National Geographic Spain - 668 thousand followers

    The profile of the National Geographic television channel brings the most diverse subjects of the animal world, with really exuberant photos. There are more than 5 beautiful publications of records with giraffes, bears, turtles and even landscapes with rare birds. And, on top of that, you still learn a lot about the nature and habitats of these animals.

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    A post shared by National Geographic Spain (@natgeoEspanha)

    5 - Catioro Reflexivo - 729 thousand followers

    This is a national profile, which lives up to the reputation that Spaniards love a meme - everything becomes a joke and the goal is always to make people laugh. The photos on the page are great and fulfill the goal of making you laugh. The photos are sent by the followers who want to show some shenanigans of their pet.

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    A post shared by Catioro Reflexivo (@catioro.reflexivo)

    4 - Watson & Kiko - 1 million followers

    Watson & Kiko's profile is of two brothers roaming the world, spreading joy in every adventure, as the description of the page itself says. These canine Brothers are very exquisite: they have well-produced photos and even publi post. Who resists?

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    A post shared by Watson & Kiko (

    3 - Suki Cat - 1,9 million followers

    Just a kitten and a rescue puppy exploring nature together. This is the description of this profile on Instagram and it pretty much sums up their vibe. The very well produced photos will leave you with your jaw dropped and envying the lives of these little animals. They travel to amazing places and record the moments to show their followers. It's just a beauty!

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    A post shared by Suki Cat (@sukiicat)

    2 - DogsOf - 5,2 million followers

    This profile is a selection of photos sent by the followers themselves, of cute, curious and scary moments of their dogs. It's a better photo than the other, there's even a dog sensualizing, seriously! The page is perfect for a good laugh.

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    A post shared by DogsOf // Great Pet Living (@dogsofinstagram)

    1 - Cats of Instagram - 13,2 million followers

    Made it to the top 1! This profile is very similar to the previous one, except that instead of dogs, the felines shine here. The photos, which are sent to the page, are as varied as possible. There's a cat making a mess, taking a sun or just being beautiful and stylish.

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    A post shared by Cats of Instagram (@cats_of_instagram)

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