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    How to verify your CPF and PIX keys registered with the Central Bank

    How to verify your CPF and PIX keys registered with the Central Bank
    Table of Contents
    1. How to register at the Central Bank Registrar
      1. Mobile registration:
      2. computer registration
    2. How to access the registration in Registrato?
    3. How to generate reports and verify your CPF by the Central Bank Registrar

    After the mega data leak that took place last week came to light, many people want to know how to monitor their personal information and prevent criminals from using it to practice scams. For that the Registered, a platform for central bank, is an important ally to verify your CPF. The service works as an extract from the record of financial information and allows Spaniards to have access to all the movements that take place in their bank accounts and in their CPF.

    With the arrival of PIX, the BC included the consultation of registered keys, making it easier for system users to be able to see in which financial institutions there are PIX keys registered in their name. In addition, it is possible to consult loans and financing, bank accounts and other services for free.

    To simplify this task, the Techlifers prepared a tutorial teaching you how to access the tool and take back control of your financial information. Unfortunately, only bank customers have access to the platform, therefore, customers of financial institutions such as Nubank, Picpay, MercadoPago etc, in the event that they do not have a bank account, cannot enter the Registrato.

    How to register at the Central Bank Registrar

    Accessing Registrato is very easy and takes just a few minutes. When accessing the site, the platform allows you to choose four forms of registration: protocol, digital certification, internet banking and by cell phone. These last two are the most common and fastest modalities, as we will highlight below:

    Mobile registration:

    Cell phone registration is restricted to some banks, the most traditional ones, such as Bank of Spain, Bradesco, Caixa, ItaĂş, Santander, Sicoob, Sicredi. If you are not an account holder of these banks, the alternative is to register on the computer, detailed in the next topic.

    If you are a customer of one of these institutions, simply access the bank's application on your smartphone and follow these steps:

    • Bank of Spain: access the menu > look for the “Services” option in the list > click on “Registration“
    • Bradesco: access the menu > in the list of options, click on “Registration”
    • Cashier: access the menu > look for the option “Passwords and Settings” > click on “Central Bank Registration”
    • ItaĂş: access the menu > look for the “Services” option in the list > click on “Central Bank Registration”
    • Santander: access the menu > look for the “Santander ON” option in the list > click on the “My moment” option > click on “Bacen Auto Credenciamento Registrato”
    • Sicoob: access the menu > look for the “Services” option in the list > click on the “Central Bank Registration” option
    • Sicredi: access the menu > look for the “Sicredi X” option in the list > click on the “Registration” option

    Following the step corresponding to your bank, a screen with information about the service will be displayed and, at the bottom of the page, a request for you to confirm the registration operation by creating a PIN for the Registered. Enter the desired password, retype if prompted and confirm the registration.

    The PIN is a different password for the bank account.

    Following these steps, your password will be registered and you will be directed to the Registered on the Central Bank page. In this case, you have the option of continuing to access it from your cell phone or from your computer.

    Only traditional banks register by cell phone.

    computer registration

    If you are not a bank customer with support for cell phone registration, the way out is to register on your computer, which is not so difficult. Follow this path:

    • On the platform homepage, click on “I am a natural person” in the right corner of the screen.
    How to verify your CPF and PIX keys registered with the Central Bank
    • Then, among the registration options, select “Internet banking” and then click on the link under the phrase “Get the security phrase on the Central Bank page” to be directed to the self-accreditation page.
    • In the accreditation of Registered, enter the requested data to create a passphrase. Also answer the captcha code and click “Next“ at the bottom of the page.
    How to verify your CPF and PIX keys registered with the Central Bank
    • After proceeding, the system will generate a numeric password for you to enter on the next page, for accreditation. Next, click on copy and then on “Next“.
    How to verify your CPF and PIX keys registered with the Central Bank
    • On the accreditation screen, complete the personal data, paste the security phrase copied on the previous page and set a password. At the bottom of the page, click on “Complete accreditation“
    How to verify your CPF and PIX keys registered with the Central Bank

    Following these steps, your password will be registered and you will be returned to the BC homepage to log-in.

    How to access the registration in Registrato?

    Regardless of the form of registration, you will be directed to the platform's home page. So, in the center of the screen, this time click on “Access Registrato” to log in. Then, enter your CPF and the password you chose for the platform.

    How to verify your CPF and PIX keys registered with the Central Bank

    It is on this page, with access already made, that you will be able to see the PIX information; debt data, such as card and loan statements; financial relationships, where all the institutions with which you have an account are filed; in addition to the exchange operations carried out.

    How to generate reports and verify your CPF by the Central Bank Registrar

    To verify your CPF and have access to financial transactions, click on the “Consult” option in the box corresponding to the type of record you want to see.

    • In the case of the payment system, click on the link inside the box “My Pix Keys“
    How to verify your CPF and PIX keys registered with the Central Bank
    • Afterwards, read and accept the disclaimers and click on “Generate report”. Thus, a spreadsheet will be created containing information on all active keys, with the name of the institution and registration date.
    How to verify your CPF and PIX keys registered with the Central Bank

    The same goes for “My Financial Relationships”. Read and accept the terms, then click to generate the report, which should contain all the banking institutions you have already had an account with. If you have finished, the “End” column must contain the closing date of the record.

    The “My indebtedness” function follows the same path, but it is necessary to define a period for consulting the transactions. In this way, set a date for generating the report, read and accept the terms, then click on “Generate report”.

    The date definition is also required for the exchange function. Enter the deadlines, read and accept the terms, then generate the report.

    So, did you like the news? Leave yours comment down here and Share this tutorial on social media.

    Source: Registered

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