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    Instagram adds a feature that mutes posts and stories from friends

      This Tuesday, 22, a new tool was added to Instagram, it is the "Mute" button, or "mute" in Spanish. Its function is the same as existing on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, it allows you to mute posts from certain profiles, making the posts from that account not appear in your news feed, giving the user full control over what he wants to see.

      The good part is that you can unfollow some boring posts without going through the embarrassment of unfollowing, and the muted person won't be notified when that action is taken either.

      Instagram adds a feature that mutes posts and stories from friends

      Resource can be found in the corner of the images. (Image: Disclosure/Instagram)

      To find this feature, just click on the three dots on the side of the images. It can also be found when you go straight into the page settings of the user to be muted. From there, you can choose between three options: mute posts only, stories only, or both.                                                                                                                     

      Instagram adds a feature that mutes posts and stories from friends

      You can choose to mute only posts, only stories, or both.

      That way, when you're browsing the feed, that user's posts will no longer appear, but you'll still be following them, and you can view their photos and stories when you visit the person's profile. This action can still be toggled on and off as you prefer. Plus, when you ignore an account, you'll still be able to get notifications about comments and posts you're tagged in.

      According to Instagram, the latest changes made to the app serve to make it more personalized according to what is important to each user. The last change before this was in March, which brought the most recent posts to the top of the feed, something Instagram users had been asking for for a while.

      • The 10 biggest social networks in 2022
      • 10 most followed Spanish Instagram profiles

      Source: InstagramPress

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