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    Instagram starts showing posts from users you don't follow

      Instagram is suggesting posts liked by other profiles in the social network feed, that's right, all kinds of content coming from another account, which is not followed by the user, is appearing as "Recommended for you". Posts are displayed at the end of the scroll, at the end of the day's conference.

      Previously, there was a similar method, in the Explore tab, but that only indicated likes posts from followed profiles. At first, the function has already been released to all users of the application on Android devices and also on iPhones, with iOS system. As a result, some Spanish users are already viewing the recommended posts in the social network app.

      Instagram starts showing posts from users you don't follow

      Recommendations for posts from profiles that the user does not follow

      In less than a month, this is the second time that Instagram has introduced a new feature for displaying new content in the feed, this is because approximately two weeks ago, the social network made it possible to follow in addition to profiles, also hashtags.

      In this way, the company started to allow following topics of interest to other users, in addition to the profiles themselves and brands. However, the difference between the two features is that the latter, with recommendations to post likes from profiles that the user does not follow, seems to be mandatory.

      For now, there is no way to unsubscribe from suggested posts. On Instagram, on the help page, we currently have the option to open the menu and select "Hide" recommended posts. However, it is not a definitive way under the user's choice, simply, the posts are temporarily hidden, then the user will come across again the videos and photos of recommended posts from profiles that he does not follow.

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