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    Instagram tests new way of "Favorites" to find content in the feed

    Instagram tests new way of

    Searching unsuccessfully (or after a long time scrolling through the photos and videos) for a certain type of content on Instagram in the middle of the timeline is a scenario that many users probably go through every day when using the social network. With that in mind, the platform developers have worked on a solution that can solve this inconvenience, a "Favorites" list.

    According to a developer of programs for mobile devices, Alessandro Paluzzi, the "Favorites" functionality allows you to create categories for the most important profiles for the user on Instagram. Through this feature, people will be able to more easily find the posts that interest them on a subject they are currently looking for. Check out Alessandro's tweet below with the information:

    #Instagram is working on "Favorites" ?

    ℹ️ Posts from your favorites are shown higher in feed.

    - Alessandro Paluzzi (@ alex193a) September 9, 2021

    Screenshot by Alessandro Paluzzi showing Instagram's new "Favorites" feature. Source: Alessandro Paluzzi (Twitter)
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    "Favorites" function for Instagram feed has already been tested other times

    The "Favorites" feature for the Instagram feed has already been tested many times by the developers. The functionality was even tested in 2017 and allowed limiting the exact audience for each post made instead of sharing with all followers. However, the 2021 version of "Favorites" gives more control over the feed, telling Instagram which accounts are most important to the user. The difference lies in the importance of posts from brands, content creators, friends and family.

    How "Favorites" currently work

    The Instagram app sorts the user's feed order based on the most recent posts from the people you follow. In addition, the platform's algorithm considers "signs" that you are likely to engage more with a post by analyzing interactions made on the platform. But the problem lies in the fact that while you might really like the posts you see, they aren't always the content you're looking for right now.

    Launch and availability

    It is not yet known if the new "Favorites" version will be made available to everyone in the way it works today in the tests or if it will still be modified before being implemented for all users. So far, the only thing Instagram has stated is that it is "an internal prototype that is still in development and not being tested externally".

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