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    Samsung announces the first modular TV that can reach up to 146 inches

      During CES 2018, Samsung announced The Wall, the world's first modular television capable of reaching up to 146 inches. The TV also has an artificial intelligence that is capable of converting content to 8K resolution, in addition to having a smart whiteboard, designed for corporate environments, with the aim of facilitating team collaboration on projects.

      The news announced by Samsung during CES 2018 does not stop there, ranging from the technology of displays to the application of artificial intelligence in the company's first 8K OLED TVs.

      Samsung announces the first modular TV that can reach up to 146 inches

      The Wall, has a capacity of up to 146 inches.

      For The Wall ("The Wall", in Spanish), Samsung invested in a modular concept, giving capacity up to 146 inches. The novelty here is also associated with the technology used, the TV uses MicroLEDs, which have similar characteristics to the OLED, but without having high costs and complexity in manufacturing, unlike conventional LEDs, the MicroLED does not need associated lighting.

      The concept of the modular TV is to change the dimensions of the device according to the needs of the consumer, but Samsung has not detailed how this will work in practice. It is not yet known whether the consumer will be able to buy independent panels and assemble the modular TV according to their pocket and needs.

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      Samsung limited itself to saying that the consumer will be able to use the "modular screen to create a display the size of a wall or simply increase the size of your TV to better enjoy a new space at home".

      This was just a concept demonstrated at CES 2018, but the manufacturer already speculates a commercial launch of the product for the first half of the year.

      The technology that Samsung used for The Wall, called MicroLED, can also be used in other company products, such as notebook screens, monitors and even other televisions, the MicroLED display is more economical and has more intense contrast, which the traditional LED, and takes as a difference, the absence of the backlight, white light present in LED panels, the backlight ends up leaving the colors dazzled and the dark tones highlighted.

      Samsung announces the first modular TV that can reach up to 146 inches

      Difference between LEDs (left) and MicroLEDs (right).

      In comparison, we can see that the MicroLED has much smaller physical dimensions, allowing the pixels to be more concentrated in the same area, resulting in higher image quality and resolution.

      Another novelty that the company intends to implement in its televisions is the possibility of playing low resolution content without losing quality. Normally, whenever we try to play low resolution content in full screen, we lose sharpness and detail, thanks to the upscaling method, which consists of increasing the size of the pixels to fill the screen. To end this, Samsung promises to use artificial intelligence. Making it possible for 8K televisions to reduce the problems when upscaling some low resolution video. The AI ​​component of 8K OLED TVs will perform an analysis on the content and apply machine learning and artificial intelligence, in search of the best possible effect.

      Samsung's filter will operate on three factors, first recreating the details of the original video in high resolution, eliminating noise that may arise in the image with upscaling and finally restoring the boundaries of each element in the video frame. In this way, the technology promises to guarantee the maintenance of sharpness between objects and panoramas shown scene by scene.

      Samsung announces the first modular TV that can reach up to 146 inches

      Artificial intelligence will be largely responsible for ensuring better quality for content that does not have 8K resolution.

      If the company's promise proves viable and effective, Samsung will certainly come out ahead, ensuring that users who purchase the brand's 8K televisions have something to watch on the ultra-high resolution screen.

      Another concept product announced by the company was the Samsung Flip, which is a 55-inch screen with 4K resolution, in addition to connectivity, apps and can be easily moved, thanks to its base with wheels, it also operates both horizontally and vertically.

      Samsung announces the first modular TV that can reach up to 146 inches

      Samsung Flip, digital whiteboard can be used both horizontally and vertically.

      The new device is aimed at the corporate environment, supporting software that can be used for teams to share information and work together from the screen. Flip also allows you to take notes, in addition to displaying photos and videos. The device works in conjunction with computers and smartphones, making it possible to share content from these devices with the whiteboard. According to Samsung, even almost people can write or draw on the screen at the same time, whether using their fingers with stylus pens.

      Samsung announces the first modular TV that can reach up to 146 inches

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      The company's information is that the slate will begin to be sold to companies this month, although prices have not been disclosed.
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