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    Samsung can bring advertising integrated into the interface, just like Xiaomi

      Everyone already knows Xiaomi's integrated advertising model, with ads within the interface itself, that is, the MIUI overlay on Android. Well, it's not by far a quality, nor a feature that pleases users, but Samsung is indicating that it will take the same path in OneUI.

      A new interface superimposed on the South Korean company's Android may be bringing with it integrated advertising. In fact, it is a profitable strategy for companies, even allowing for a reduction in the costs of devices in the future, if competitiveness requires it. However, Xiaomi has been using this strategy since the beginning, so Xiaomi users are more than aware and used to this form of advertising, unlike Samsung users who may have to adapt forcibly.

      This possibility arose from a new trademark application that was discovered in the European Union Intellectual Property Office. It is a Class 5, wanting to bring the Samsung Ads brand to new areas and new equipment.

      Samsung can bring advertising integrated into the interface, just like Xiaomi

      OneUI - image/playback

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      The registration is not yet approved, but allows the entry of advertising services mainly for smartphones and tablets of the brand. In addition, it would also allow ads over mobile networks, software for use in advertising and software for renting advertising space on websites.

      Samsung already presents something similar on its Smart TVs, in the case of an expansion of the service to other devices, giving companies another advertising space, now in OneUI, to present their products.

      It is evident that there is already an audience that accepts this form of advertising on smartphones, but it may not be the audience that buys Samsung. Thus, the company may be hurting the loyalty of its consumers.

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