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    Secret code lets you enable dark mode on Facebook Messenger

    With the arrival of Dark Mode for the Facebook Messenger, we can already say with certainty that the function has become the new trend of applications for mobile devices and even for complete operating systems (see the availability of the option in the MacOS Mojave).

    The mode, also known as Dark Mode or even as Night Mode, brings numerous benefits to the use of applications or your device in general.

    Facebook Messenger: Dark Mode

    Secret code lets you enable dark mode on Facebook Messenger
    Facebook Messenger Dark Mode on iOS

    Available to select users since 2018, the Dark Mode of Facebook Messenger reached everyone on the social network. But if you're looking forward to using the app on your phone with a dark background, don't worry. There are a few things you need to do first to enable the function, as Dark Mode in the app is still a little secret. I mean, it was.

    First, of course, you have to make sure you have the most up-to-date version of the app, be it for Android ou iOS. After that, the scheme is simple:

    • Open a conversation with someone (it could even be yourself) and send them a crescent moon emoji. This one, oh:
    Secret code lets you enable dark mode on Facebook Messenger
    • Once this is done, a shower of moons will fall across your screen. Some users report that they even received a message that the Dark Mode of the Facebook Messenger was discovered and could now be enabled;
    • And to enable it, once this is done, just go to the app's settings screen and the option to turn Dark Mode on and off will be available.

    Check out the step-by-step video below:

    Benefits of Dark Mode

    Despite making the appearance of your operating system or your applications more pleasing to the eye, Dark Mode is not the only thing that lives in the Dark Mode, the current darling of developers and users. There's a lot of good stuff behind the dark background with white letters on your screen.

    For starters: battery saving. Yes! The dark background helps to reduce the energy consumption of your device, as the dark background is less bright, so it consumes less energy, but without losing image quality.

    In addition, Dark Mode also reduces the sensitivity of the eyes to screens and their emission of blue light, which mainly impairs vision in darker environments, so this function is also known as Night Mode, as it was designed in decrease this emission of blue light from the screens to the eyes at night, which can compromise sleep, even causing insomnia.

    Do you like the dark mode of apps and operating systems? Tell us what you think of this new feature of Facebook Messenger!

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