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    TOP 10 Extensions for Google Chrome

    Table of Contents
    1. Google Drive
    2. Safe in Cloud
    3. Pin it Button
    4. Pushbullet
    5. G
    6. Pixlr Editor
    7. Awesome Screenshot
    8. Google dictionary
    9. Push to Kindle
    10. The Great Suspender

    TOP 10 Extensions for Google Chrome

    O Google Chrome is one of the most used browsers in the world and has a store with millions of extensions. Among so many options, we have created a list with 10 tools that will certainly make your navigation easier.

    But here's an important tip: the Chrome is known for its high RAM consumption and the more extensions you activate, the more RAM it will eat. Use it wisely, okay?

    With that said, here are the tips:

    Google Drive

    TOP 10 Extensions for Google ChromeO Google Drive can figure as one of the essential Chrome extensions. It makes it easy to create and manage documents, spreadsheets, presentations and your entire cloud space. One of the coolest features is the ability to offline run; even without an internet connection, it is possible to create and edit files.

    Click here to download it from Chrome Web Store.

    Safe in Cloud

    TOP 10 Extensions for Google Chrome

    Dealing with dozens of accounts is complicated. And when we talk about security, one of the main tips is to keep a different password for each service. THE Safe in Cloud is a password manager, through the Chrome extension it automates the login, facilitating the whole process. Interestingly, the extension does not work independently: the software must be installed on the computer. An interesting alternative to the service is the LastPass (which consumes a lot of memory).

    Click here to download it from Chrome Web Store.

    Pin it Button

    TOP 10 Extensions for Google Chrome

    The extension of Pinterest makes it easy for you to “Pins” while browsing. It basically serves as a visual “bookmarklet”, saving links you don't want to miss or find interesting to check out later. For those unfamiliar with Pinterest, it is a photo-sharing social network that serves as a inspiration board.

    Click here to download it from Chrome Web Store.


    TOP 10 Extensions for Google Chrome

    we already talked about Pushbullet this way. For those who deal with multiple devices during the day, it is an amazing tool. The Chrome extension works just like conventional desktop software: it allows you to send any type of information to another device on which the application is installed. It even allows you to exchange files with friends and receive notifications about important topics. In recent updates, the app has become much more organized; you can check the news and understand more about the app in this post.

    Click here to download it from Chrome Web Store.


    Mandatory extension for anyone who has a chromecast. Through it you can find and play content on your Chromecast device from the browser. It is possible to stream YouTube videos and even the guides themselves in full; however Google warns: this last function requires a powerful computer and a Wi-Fi network.

    Click here to download it from Chrome Web Store.

    Pixlr Editor

    TOP 10 Extensions for Google Chrome
    We can classify the Pixlr Editor as a Photoshop shaped application for Chrome. The interface is very similar to popular editors and brings essential features such as layers, general lighting adjustments, cropping tools, among others. One of its biggest advantages is the fact that it is completely free and not require any kind of registration.

    Click here to download it from Chrome Web Store.

    Awesome Screenshot

    TOP 10 Extensions for Google Chrome
    The screenshot function is accessible from your computer's own operating system. The differential of Awesome Screenshot is to allow you to do annotations on the images and quickly share a link with someone. It is possible to make cuts delete specific parts, write comments, add signs, among other features.

    Click here to download it from Chrome Web Store.

    Google dictionary

    TOP 10 Extensions for Google Chrome

    If you usually read a lot in other languages, the Google dictionary will quickly become indispensable. With two clicks on a word, it opens a small pop-up with the definition and even presents references for you to read more about the content. Multiple languages ​​are supported including Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Russian and also Spanish. The extension can also work as a shortcut for Google Translate, displaying the Spanish definition of selected words in another language.

    Click here to download it from Chrome Web Store.

    Push to Kindle

    TOP 10 Extensions for Google ChromeO Kindle It is a good companion for reading books, but also a great tool for reading Articles. Whenever I find a long read on the internet, I send it to Kindle with this extension. It is a free service and it already formats the page for the device. Shipping is fast, you just need to add the service email to the list of authorized addresses to send material to your Kindle.

    Click here to download it from Chrome Web Store.

    The Great Suspender

    TOP 10 Extensions for Google Chrome

    At the beginning of the post I made a warning about the RAM memory consumption that installing multiple extensions can cause. But what really eats up your RAM in Chrome is the amount of open tabs; I myself usually keep a few dozen. the extension The Great Suspender manages to solve this problem by suspending the activity of the tabs automatically. The extension offers manual functions such as suspending a single tab, suspending them all or reloading them all at once. It is also possible to set a minimum time of inactivity so that the tab is automatically deactivated and maintain a list of sites that are not suspended, regardless of time.

    Click here to download it from Chrome Web Store.

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