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    Young man is injured after his Galaxy S7 explodes

      Hard to forget the problems faced by Samsung with the Galaxy Note 7, which had production and sales suspended after a series of explosions. Apparently, some other models of the brand continue to give problems.

      This time around, a unit of the Galaxy S7 appears to have combusted in Samsung's home country. The information is from the newspaper The Korea Herald.

      The device in question belongs to a 20-year-old Korean woman, who claimed to have left her Galaxy S7 charging overnight, using an official Samsung accessory. She woke up to the device burning her furniture and even parts of the floor.

      Young man is injured after his Galaxy S7 explodes

      Galaxy S7 burning. Photo: Disclosure

      The owner of the device said she had it for a year and never had any problems. Samsung has already been informed of the situation and visited the house where the incident was recorded.

      For further inspection to be carried out, the Asian giant sent the device to the Korean Technology and Standards Agency. With this, a more secure answer about the possible spontaneous combustion of the device will be offered soon. The young woman will be able to go to court to request compensation.

      When a cell phone explosion case arises, certain factors need to be considered. First of all it is observed if the charger is counterfeit, then the lack of limitation of the battery can cause overheating and thus, result in combustion.

      In addition, it is not advisable to carry the device wrapped in blankets, clothes, pillows, etc. Such situations can increase the temperature of the device and cause an explosion.

      It is very likely that it was an isolated case, but we will continue the research on the topic. 

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