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    Camera Go, brings to entry-level smartphones some top-of-the-line photographic features

      Camera Go, brings to entry-level smartphones some top-of-the-line photographic features

      Right after the Nokia event held yesterday, March 19, where four different smartphones were presented, the new camera application for smartphones with Android Go appeared in the new Nokia 1.3 that has the system.

      Google took the opportunity to talk about the new application, Camera Go, pre-installed on the smartphone. Similar to other Go apps, it's built with the high-end hardware, while retaining some of the features that make Google's image processing so great.

      Like the Google Pixel's photography app, Camera Go is "deeply integrated into the smartphone's camera module," as Arpit Midha, leader of Android Go, explains.

      This allows for some advanced machine learning and computational photography features, like portrait mode on a smartphone under $100, which Google says is a first for a device in this class.

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      The new camera app, Camera Go, developed by Google will first arrive on Nokia 1.3, which will start shipping next month and will arrive on more Android Go devices "soon".

      Google also took the opportunity to announce that there are now over 100 million active Android Go smartphones per month worldwide. This is due to a total of around 1.600 models available in over 180 countries.

      While we generally pay more attention to high-end smartphones, it's critical to see how Google's core operating system is helping people around the world get online and use some of the company's most advanced machine learning technologies. .

      It is worth remembering that there are other "Go" applications, Google Go, Gmail Go, Gallery Go, Files Go, among others are on this list, we have already talked about these applications here. If you are interested in some of them, know that using these applications you may even run out of more advanced options, but any of these applications will work faster and will take up less space on your smartphone's internal storage.

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