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    Google confirms mobile-focused laptop and tablet

      Google has confirmed that it is working on new laptops and tablets through its Pixelbook division. It all started during the Cloud Next 2019 conference, which the company held on Tuesday (April 09th). At the time, the company hinted that new hardware would be released, focused on users who were always on the go.

      The company did not offer details on the type of product, as well as configurations or even an expected release date.

      "We think there are some specific things we can do differently that the Pixelbook and Pixel Slate can't, and they're going to really help us give them [traveling workers] what they're really looking for as they work in this new era of computing at cloud," said Pixelbook Division Product Management Team Leader Steve Jacobs.

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      Google confirms mobile-focused laptop and tablet

      Google confirms laptop and tablet aimed at mobility.

      It's worth mentioning that Jacobs' LinkedIn profile shows that he leads three different categories within Google's Core Technology group: "Pixelbook", "Pixel Slate" and the tantalizing "Emerging".

      The new products come in a line called "Google Hardware For Business", but without further specification.

      What is known so far is that the development of Fuchsia OS, the operating system being worked on by the company, should be the replacement for Android and Chrome OS. This work is being done quietly and Google says only that these are experimental projects only.

      Source: The Verge

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