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    It's time to say goodbye to Inbox and Google Plus

      Google is shutting down two more services, Inbox and Google Plus. The date, in the case of April 2, had already been announced by Google for the burial of each of the services. So, as of this Tuesday (02), the Inbox by Gmail app will no longer work for Android and iPhone, with the web version also disabled.

      Google Plus, as we well know, did not have the success that the company intended. The social network did not make it and ended up not receiving more news from the team, so the withdrawal. To top it off, several security issues emerged on the platform. A security flaw exposed data from around 500 users. Then it turned out that a new breach affected 52,5 million people.

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      It's time to say goodbye to Inbox and Google Plus

      It's time to say goodbye to Inbox and Google Plus.

      The end of the social network was scheduled to occur in August, but ended up being brought forward. All Google Plus content will be deleted, including profiles, pages, communities, events and comments. Google decided to keep the platform for G Suite customers: "We decided to focus on our enterprise efforts and release new features created specifically for businesses."

      Inbox, however, may be lacking for users, as many considered it to be a high-quality email app. The also stopped working. The service ended last Saturday, March 30th.

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