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    Community joins together to find the Best Deals on the Internet

      Do you also have trouble finding the best deal on the internet? Do you find it a pain to have to hop between multiple coupon sites looking for something that works? Then we have a special tip for you!

      There is a community focused on finding and reviewing the best deals on the internet. This community / site is called Promobit and will help you avoid these pitfalls.

      All because this site is the main means of disseminating offers on the internet, whether through coupons or direct purchases, and that's not even the best part. The great asset of the platform is that it is made by us, like you and me.

      Yes, there are more than 200 thousand registered users that are part of this large group of discount hunters. When one of them finds a good promotion, he goes to Promobit, registers it, puts a link and all the other necessary information that will then be shared with the community. If, for example, a Promotion at Americanas ends, and the price goes back to the original, something is wrong or any other problem is identified, any user can flag and correct the information. Do you understand how it works? It's a shared platform for promotions and discounts, something like a low-price Wiki where everyone helps each other and ends up saving.

      They have already been there, for example, iPhone 7 Promotion costing less than R$ 2.400 (about a thousand reais discount), Xbox One with a 500 reais discount, among other things. Today, for example, those who entered Promobit found a promotion for the Android Smartphone LG G5 with a discount of almost R$ 1.500.

      Community joins together to find the Best Deals on the Internet

      One of today's Promobit offers

      But of course it's not a platform where anything goes. Promobit has a team in charge of curating the registered promotions, checking what is real and what is a "half double" discount, if the store has a good reputation, if they fulfill their promises, etc. Here you are free to receive that brick when you expected to receive your PS4. 

      And speaking of PS4, let's see some categories: smartphones, tablets, perfumes, men's and women's fashion, books, airline tickets, games, computers, appliances, sports equipment, sneakers, apps, drinks, toys and much more. There's so much that we even have an area with the best deals of the day.

      You can take advantage of all these facilities, even on your smartphone, as Promobit has apps for iOS and Android. Ahh, and the product categories are available in both desktop and mobile versions. Good, because I know that everyone has had that experience of entering one of these discount apps looking for a game offer and only receiving advertising for fishing equipment, for example. 

      So, the cool thing is whenever you are going to buy something online, stop by the site first, because you never know when a user of the platform will register that product you are about to buy at a super discount. Or, if what you want to buy is not something "for yesterday" and you can wait a little while, you can take advantage of the "wish list" feature where you register the product and, whenever it goes on sale, you will be notified by e-mail, thus guaranteeing a purchase at the lowest price always.

      It's worth reminding them that BlackFriday is coming and they guarantee that the community will bar half of the promotions, guaranteeing only the main bargains of the date.

      Community joins together to find the Best Deals on the Internet

      And if you're one of those who don't like to change the traditional online megastores for new stores, don't worry. Who is selling here on Promobit are names like Submarino, Americanas, Shoptime, Amazon, etc. Promobit does not sell any products, it only shows the promotions found in the most reliable online retail stores.

      And there? What are you going to buy today?

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