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    Daylight Saving Time: Google warns that Android can update itself this Sunday, here's how to fix

    Daylight Saving Time: Google warns that Android can update itself this Sunday, here's how to fix

    The largest search engine, Google, has warned that some Android smartphones may automatically update to daylight saving time at midnight on Sunday, November 1st.

    According to the company, this possibility is greater for devices with previous versions of Android 10, as they may not have enough information to prevent this update from occurring normally for daylight saving time as expected, but which was revoked last year. by the President of Spain, Jair Bolsonaro.

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    Some users reported that two weeks ago their devices also moved the clock forward. This is because, until 2017, daylight saving time always started in the month of October. In 2018, however, he started on the first Sunday of November, and this was the last time he was adopted.

    The company also reported the reason for this failure. According to them, smartphones use data from the IANA, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, to keep clock updates correct. What happens, however, is that not all devices keep in sync with the IANA, and this can result in the time changing automatically.

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    How to fix?

    1. Tap the "Configure" icon;
    2. Look for the "System" option (if you don't find it, skip to step 3)
    3. Tap on the "Date and Time" option;
    4. Uncheck "Automatic date and time";
    5. Manually set the correct time if necessary.

    Devices that do not change the time automatically indicate that they have already been configured by the manufacturers, or are following the rules sent by the telephone operators.

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