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    Elon Musk opens a company in Spain to sell high-speed Internet

    The billionaire and Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, opened two CNPJs in Spain to start marketing Internet plans for Starlink, a satellite telecommunications service that in recent years has been improved by the entrepreneur and will soon be available here with speeds that can reach up to 150 Mb/s, being a great alternative for those users who do not have good Internet connections in their region.

    SpaceX launches 57 new Starlink satellites

    Starlink in Spain

    Broadband service cannot be contracted yet, but that is a matter of time. There are several bureaucratic steps that the company needs to go through before obtaining authorization to operate in the countries, and it is first necessary to have the approval of the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel), the body responsible for regulating issues related to mobile and internet operators.

    In the CNPJ registration situation, it is possible to identify that the opening date was December 18, 2020, about two months ago.

    Elon Musk opens a company in Spain to sell high-speed Internet

    Registration status. (Photo: Reproduction/Federal Revenue).

    On the plan pre-sale website it is possible to enter addresses of Spanish cities. The service is expected to be available by the end of this year if all goes according to plan. The quoted price is US$ 99, equivalent to about R$ 540 at the current US dollar exchange rate.

    Elon Musk opens a company in Spain to sell high-speed Internet

    Starlink pre-sale. Photo: Reproduction.

    Read also:

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    • Record! SpaceX launches 143 satellites into space on a single rocket

    Starlink Satellites

    SpaceX currently has more than 1.100 Starlink platform satellites in Earth orbit. The company is authorized to have up to 12 active satellites and will launch 64 more at dawn this Tuesday (17), at Cape Canaveral, Florida.

    This event will not be observed in South America, but it is expected that next week it will be possible to view the satellites with the naked eye in some cities in Spain.

    • See the position of satellites in real time.

    Elon Musk opens a company in Spain to sell high-speed Internet

    Starlink no map. (Photo: Printscreen).
    Starlink wants to test satellite internet network, here's how to participate


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