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    Gmail gets auto-complete feature for writing emails

      Gmail has recently received a number of interesting new features, including the self-destruct of messages within the time stipulated by the sender. Now, during the Google I/O 2018 conference, the company revealed that the email service will gain a feature called Smart Compose later this month, that is, a kind of auto-complete, similar to what we already find on mobile devices. .                  

      In short, when writing a message, the service will use machine learning to suggest ready-made words and phrases, including names of places and even dates for events or meetings.                                                                                                          

      Sundar Pichau, CEO of Google, said, "All you have to do is press Tab to auto-complete" so that AI takes care of "mundane things like addresses."

      Gmail gets auto-complete feature for writing emails

      New should arrive next month.

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      The company, through an official post on its blog, says that Smart Compose can reduce the incidence of spelling errors. The functionality, apparently, has everything to please users. If a message is written on a Friday, for example, it will automatically suggest that you say "Have a nice weekend!" at the end.                                                                                           

      "I've been emailing the company a lot. I'm not sure what they think about it, but I think it's wonderful," joked Pichai, while demonstrating the functionality on stage.                                                                         

      The feature should be available to all users later this month. G Suite customers are expected to receive the news "over the next few months".                        

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