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    Google Go and Maps Go reach 100 million downloads on the Play Store

      The Google Go search tool and Maps Go reached a historic milestone this Monday (08): both applications reached 100 million downloads on the Play Store. 

      For comparison, in September 2018 Google Go had 10 million downloads. As both apps are pre-installed on all smartphones that run Android Go, it can be concluded that the operating system is a success and a great undertaking, since the number of devices that are activating the OS has been growing absurdly.


      Google Go and Maps Go reach 100 million downloads on the Play Store

      Cell phones with Android Go were quite successful, which may have contributed to the increase in app downloads.

      Of course, that doesn't mean that Android Go devices are the only cause of so much success! Both Google Go and Maps Go can be downloaded on any smartphone. As the idea is to improve the operation of apps with less data usage, it is to be expected that these will also be used on numerous devices with conventional Android.

      Only in the case of Maps Go that the suspicion is different: as the app differs from the original Maps - not having navigation, including - it is to be expected that this app in particular will have its success due to the increase in purchases of smartphones with Android Go.

      Google Go and Maps Go reach 100 million downloads on the Play Store

      Maps Go is different from conventional Google Maps by not offering the real-time browser.

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      Be that as it may, the fact that can be confirmed is that Google was right to make both Android, Google and Maps Go available.

      Have you used these apps? Tell us what you think!

      Source: androidpolice

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