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    Google Maps is updated with music support and new traveler's guide

      The new Google Maps update is focused on passengers, as it provides extra information and music control through the app. Through a daily commute guide, it will be possible to access any congestion or interruptions on the route even before leaving, in addition to receiving specific information about each stay of the trip, says The Verge.

      For those traveling by bus or train, Google Maps will show you exactly where the transport is before reaching the point. In Sydney, the app will even show the capacity of users in the vehicle. Soon the novelty should extend to more cities.

      Google Maps is updated with music support and new traveler's guide

      Google Maps is updated with music support and new traveler's guide.

      Another interesting feature of the update is for those who enjoy listening to music. Users of streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music or Google Play Music will be able to control playback from the application itself.

      Android users will be able to enable real-time notifications about route interruptions, they will also have some advantages over using Spotify.

      The update is coming this week for users worldwide via the Google Play Store and Apple App Store.

      Source: The Verge

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