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    Google officially buys HTC's mobile division

      HTC and Google in September 2017 struck a $1,1 billion deal on the sale of HTC patents and talent to the search giant. In turn, this agreement gave the Mountain View conglomerate the employees and copyrights of the Taiwanese.

      However, the Taiwanese regulator ended up approving the transaction only at the end of last year. Therefore, in order to conclude the agreement, the companies needed to finalize the negotiation by agreeing the last details, which at first has just been confirmed with Google officializing the purchase of the mobile division of HTC in a post on its blog.

      Rick Osterloh, Vice President of Hardware at Google, celebrated by saying "Today, we began working with our new teammates, driven by the mission to create radically useful experiences for people around the world, combining the best of AI, software and hardware. Of google".

      Google officially buys HTC's mobile division

      Google buys HTC's mobile division

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      In the opinion of many analysts, the trading was beneficial for HTC, which will have a new opportunity to become profitable again after consecutive years of deficit. In addition, the merger of the two companies increases the scope of exploration of its virtual reality division of HTC, Vive.

      According to Google's statement, the Taipei unit will become the company's largest hardware base in the Asia-Pacific region. However, it will also be important to gain greater control in the manufacture of the search giant's devices.

      However, the two companies were already maintaining a partnership, which facilitates the integration of teams and processes, it is worth remembering that the Pixels smartphones were already being developed by HTC. So far, no news for this year has been revealed by Google.

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