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    Google reports new security flaw in Microsoft Edge

      As we well know, Google and Microsoft have been fighting in the browser market for a long time. For example, last year, Google reported a Microsoft Edge failure and then Microsoft ended up getting back with Chrome.

      Now, however, Google, through Project Zero researchers, has disclosed a new security hole found in Microsoft Edge.

      Google reports new security flaw in Microsoft Edge

      Google reports new security flaw in Microsoft Edge.

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      As per disclosure, Microsoft's browser has a flaw in the Javascript compiler that causes cybercriminals to be able to pre-load malware just seconds before the user accesses a web page.

      The search giant's researchers reported through a report that this problem has a "medium" level of difficulty and that they informed Microsoft in November last year.

      Following Google's internal policy, Microsoft had 90 days to resolve the issue, as this did not occur, the flaw was eventually made public.

      Microsoft, with the disclosure of Google, manifesting itself saying that it will release a fix for the problem in an upcoming update, which will be made available in March.

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