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    Google will pay $1,5 million to anyone who can bypass the Pixel 3's security system

    Google will pay $1,5 million to anyone who can bypass the Pixel 3's security system

    Google has a bounty program that was created with the aim of rewarding the work of security researchers for finding bugs in Android. In this way, the search giant can identify and solve any problems, offering safer products to its customers.

    As Android grew and more researchers joined the program, naturally the values ​​also increased. So far, the biggest reward paid by the company was US$ 161.000, something around R$ 673.000. However, Google has announced that it will pay an absurdly higher amount for a single vulnerability: US$ 1,5 million (R$ 6,3 million).

    The millionaire reward is equivalent to all amounts paid by the company in the last 12 months. So, it's clear that Google believes it's worth investing heavily when it comes to security, especially when you consider where the company wants researchers to work.

    How to win the prize?

    The amount of US$ 1,5 million will be given to whoever manages to circumvent the security system of the Titan M chip, which can be found in the Pixel line, specifically from the Pixel 3 onwards. complete chain code with persistence".

    For those who don't know, the Titan M stores the device's most sensitive data to protect it from attacks. It also verifies firmware signatures, lock screen codes and other system parts to ensure even greater security.

    Of course, this work will be quite complex, but given the amount offered by Google, the company really wants to know if the chip is safe.


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