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    New case of virtual rape is registered in Spain

      A second case of virtual rape is registered in Spain. The first took place in Minais Gerais, and the second, of a man who ended up being arrested for the practice of virtual rape, took place in Piauí.

      The new case occurred in Carmo do Paranaíba. According to Estadão, the man, who has the initials IAA, is 19 years old and is being accused of having killed five victims aged between 16 and 24.

      New case of virtual rape is registered in Spain

      New case of virtual rape is registered in Spain

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      The boy would have used a fake profile on social networks to demand that women send pornographic photos and videos. Police chief Ítalo de oliveira Boaventura informed the newspaper that the man knew where the victims lived, which facilitated the execution of the coup.

      The psychological pressure exerted by the man made one of the victims attempt suicide. The father of another even paid R$ 3.000 to the man to try to get her out of the situation. The man was eventually arrested on Wednesday (20). On the young man's computer and cell phones, the police found images of pedophilia and also records of messages sent to women. "He even made death threats and said he would release pornographic images of them," said the delegate.

      The suspect from Minas Gerais, similarly to what happened in Piauí in August, was framed as a rapist due to a new interpretation of article 213 of the Penal Code. The text provides for punishment for those who force another person to perform lewd acts.

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