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    New Google Maps features let the user know if transport will be delayed and its capacity

    This past Thursday (27) Google announced two new features for Google Maps users: to see in real time - and with more precision - where the bus, subway or train that the passenger wants is and the forecast of its capacity. . 

    The news was released on the company's blog. In the publication, Google claims that Google Maps "is launching two new features to improve passenger life and planning according to city traffic".

    real-time delays

    The first novelty brought by Google is aimed especially at buses. "unfortunately, expected arrival times for public transport do not reflect the actual condition of the traffic" and, because of this, many can waste valuable minutes waiting for a bus that is late.

    With these people in mind, Google has developed a feature capable of showing if the bus will be late, how long it will be, and a more accurate travel time based on the traffic conditions at that moment.


    New Google Maps features let the user know if transport will be delayed and its capacity

    Google Maps now shows you in real time which means of public transport will be late and for how long.

    In addition, it is also possible to see where the main traffic peaks are - so that the passenger can get off the bus if they want to.

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    capacity forecast

    As Google's post says and everyone agrees "there's nothing more uncomfortable than being crushed like a can of sardines on a hot train."

    With this in mind, the company developed the "capacity forecast", which allows the user to know how many more or less people are on the bus, train or subway that he intends to take. The feature uses past travel data to predict peak times.


    New Google Maps features let the user know if transport will be delayed and its capacity

    It is now possible to see how crowded the public transport in question will be, according to information from past races.

    According to Google these news already started running on cell phones since its launch, on Thursday (27), in more than 200 cities. They are available for both Android and iOS.  

    Source: google blog

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