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    After rumor, employee claims that Techland was not purchased by Microsoft

    After rumor, employee claims that Techland was not purchased by Microsoft

    The purchase of Bethesda has fans starting to speculate what Microsoft's next move would be. Many believe, even encouraged by rumors, that the company will do more business to acquire other developers. The name of Techland, responsible for Dying Light, emerged as the target of a possible deal by Microsoft, but an official said that the Polish developer was not acquired.

    the beginning of the rumor

    The rumor about a possible deal between Microsoft and Techland started after statements in the podcast called "Defining Duke". The presenter mentioned that Microsoft was in the market looking for new developers to acquire, but did not reveal names. However, some time later Twitter user "Shpeshal_Ed", host of the XboxEra podcast, stated that after a few questions, he was almost certain that the developer in question in the Defining Duke claim was Techland.

    So the studio and game ACG was referring to...I did some digging and asked around. I’m fairly certain he’s talking about Techland and Dying Light 2

    - Shpeshal Ed (@Shpeshal_Ed) February 12, 2021

    "So the studio and game ACG was referring to... I did some research and asked around. I'm pretty sure he's talking about Techland and Dying Light 2"

    Minimum requirements to run Dying Light

    Techland's answer

    After the rumor started, obviously fans began to question the veracity of the information. The answer to the case came directly from Techland, after an employee received several questions about the possible acquisition.

    On Twitter, "Uncy8", community director, said he was receiving messages about the rumor and assured that Techland is an independent studio, that is, there was no deal made with another company.

    I'm getting a lot of dm's about Dying Light acquisition so I'll answer here:
    There was the same rumour floating around the internet one year ago and the situation didn't change - Techland is an independent studio and it was not acquired by another publisher (:

    — Uncy (@Uncy8) February 13, 2021

    "I'm getting a lot of dms about the Dying Light acquisition, so I'll reply here: There was the same rumor floating around the internet a year ago and the situation hasn't changed - Techland is an independent studio and hasn't been acquired by another publisher"

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