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    Android 11 may allow you to record videos larger than 4GB

      Android 11 may allow you to record videos larger than 4GB

      Android has evolved a lot since its first version released in 2008, something totally expected. However, there are still certain limitations in Google's mobile operating system that have persisted for a few years now, and one of them does not allow recording videos larger than 4GB in size.

      That's right, as much as current smartphones deliver plenty of storage, it's not possible to overcome this "barrier", regardless of the brand or model. Fortunately, it seems that this limitation will be removed in Android 11, the next major version of the system.

      Currently, when the recording reaches the 4GB limit, Android does not pause the recording, but on the other hand automatically creates multiple files of the same size depending on the recording time. This means that the device's gallery is filled with multiple videos instead of just one, which is certainly not beneficial to users.

      Google introduced this limitation in 2014, a time when 4K recordings began to appear on smartphones. So it made sense to limit the file size, after all, the models offered had a smaller amount of storage and almost all filmed in Full HD only.

      However, taking into account the current scenario, it is very clear that this is a major drawback that should have been removed a few years ago, given that even the most basic smartphones can shoot in 4K, a resolution that naturally generates files. gigantic.

      This change was identified by the developers at XDA Developers, who were able to store a 32GB video without any problem. Anyway, if Google decides to eliminate this "barrier", we will see the novelty in Android 11 beta, which will probably be released in March 2020.


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