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    Android gets browsing history encryption feature

      Privacy on the internet is an extremely discussed and also very worrying subject, so much so that more and more technology companies are looking for alternatives to guarantee this to their users. Now, Google is working to improve this issue within the Android operating system.

      According to XDA Developers, Android is using DNS over TLS protocol to encrypt a device's browsing history.

      Android gets browsing history encryption feature

      Android gets browsing history encryption feature

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      The DNS protocol is responsible for translating the URL into a specific IP address that the device can understand. The entire process takes place in a hidden and automatic way, however, the operators that provide the internet service or even anyone who has access to their network will be able to identify these connections.

      However, even though they can see requests to DNS, operators will not have access to the traffic content due to HTTPS. This is where TLS comes in, which is a protocol with greater security and still allows DNS data to be encrypted, even if HTTPS is not activated.

      With this, DNS over TLS still does not allow completely private browsing, even so, it guarantees a more secure browsing history, and thus prevents hackers from taking users to fake websites.

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