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    Found on Google Play virus that causes physical damage to Android devices

      Currently, there are frequent cases of viruses that are found within official platforms, such as Google Play and the App Store. In this way, be careful when downloading a new application to your smartphone, as they may contain malware, trojans, as well as other viruses.

      However, most of these fake applications that contain viruses end up generating thousands of downloads before being discovered. As an example, we have an app posing as WhatsApp on Google Play in November, which got approximately 1 million users. The app was downloaded by many people because it had the same developer name, in the case of WhatsApp Inc., exactly as the real one, through a cybercriminal strategy using Unicode.

      New Trojan found on Google Play gets full control of the device and to remove it, only through the full formatting of the smartphone. Already on Monday (11), an application that is a kind of cryptocurrency wallet, called MyEtherWallet was copied and deceived several users, this time on the App Store. It is worth noting that in this case, the app was not free and for users to download the fake version, it was necessary to pay US$ 5 dollars. Before being discovered and deleted from the platform, it was among the most downloaded.

      Recently, last Tuesday (18), a mobile version of the Cuphead game appeared on the App Store, a pirated version of the game of the moment. However, as the game is only available for PC and Xbox One, the mobile version for iPhones and iPads available on Apple's platform is fake, but the illusion reached the top of the most downloaded iTunes list and cost US$ 5 dollars each. their victims. Once discovered, Apple deleted it from the platform.

      Found on Google Play virus that causes physical damage to Android devices

      New virus found on Google platform targets all Android devices that download apps.

      • Learn how to remove virus from pendrive
      • How to uninstall a smartphone antivirus?

      However, Trojan.AndroidOS.Loapi is the most worrying virus as it targets any Android device that downloads applications from the Google Store. In addition, the biggest problem is that it manages to do a lot of damage to the device, such as filling your device with annoying advertisements that generate financial gains for who knows who, mining cryptocurrencies, sending copies of content, viewing your SMS, in addition to hiring services that you wouldn't like it all at the same time. The virus has a complex modular architecture that can even be used in cases of espionage in the future.

      When installing the application, the Trojan manages to gain full control over your device's administrator settings, with this, other applications that are installed on the device, but which until then were harmless, are now under the control of the virus. In this way, if the user tries to deny some administrator permission of the virus, it automatically locks the screen and then closes the other windows with the configuration options.

      Not even the most efficient antivirus can be installed on the device, as the Trojan does not allow installation. When trying to download the antivirus, a screen appears warning that the app is not safe and forces the user to delete the antivirus. The only way to get rid of the problem is to perform a full format of the infected device. Google has already been notified of the case and is working to resolve the issue.


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