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    Google Maps gets "Statistics" function in Timeline

    Google Maps is an application widely used to assist in moving from one place to another on a daily basis, whether by car, bicycle, on foot, subway, train and even bus. However, the platform offers much more than that, being able, for example, to inform you if a certain place is crowded or not at a specific time of day.

    In addition to the features mentioned above, Maps is still capable of displaying a timeline. A function that consists of monitoring the places visited and giving an overview of where you went in a given month or year. This is possible thanks to the location history that the application uses through the cell's GPS.

    Google Maps gets "Statistics" function in Timeline

    Earlier this year, Google improved the timeline and started implementing a function called "Insights". With this feature it is possible to have access to various information about the places you may have visited and the routes used.

    Google Maps Makes Trip Planning Much Easier With New Update

    Google Maps gets

    New "Statistics" ("Insights") function in the Google Maps timeline. Source: Victor Valeri

    The Insights (Statistics) functionality mentioned above is able to show the user a history of trips made, places visited, attractions and hotel stays. As if that wasn't enough, the feature even tells you if you used a car or a plane during the trip. All this is shown in an intuitive way, allowing the person to easily review what they did each day of the month.

    Launch and availability

    In early 2021, Google made Insights in Maps available to a small group of people and luckily, the functionality is now being made available to more users around the world. The information came via the androidpolice website, where Google Maps Insights is said to be starting to appear for users outside the US, including Spain, Germany and the UK, for example.

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