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    Google's news tab will have a new look soon - focus is now on titles and authors

      Google's news tab in desktop searches will get a new look. According to the company, the focus is now on titles and authors' names, something similar to Google News.

      The announcement was made by the giant through a tweet on its official account this Thursday (11). In the publication, the company claims that "the new design makes the names of the editors clearer and the articles more organized to help you find the news you need".

      Over the next couple weeks we’re rolling out a redesigned News tab in Search on desktop. The refreshed design makes publisher names more prominent and organizes articles more clearly to help you find the news you need. Check it out 👇

      — Google News Initiative (@GoogleNewsInit) July 11, 2019  

      The old version gave the news in the form of a list - now these will appear in boxes. The change may seem small visually, but for Google it's a big step forward. That's because news didn't seem to be the company's focus, even with the increasing proliferation of fake news.


      Google News tab currently.

      Perhaps in an attempt to show its customers that yes, Google cares about true news and reliable sources, the company is investing in a series of tools to improve this service. 

      In addition to updating the tab in question, Google has also partnered with North American news portals, has created tools to facilitate paid subscriptions to these portals, in addition to creating some resources to combat fake news, including using AI for this. .

      Google's news tab will have a new look soon - focus is now on titles and authors

      How the Google news tab will look soon.

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      Google did not say when exactly the news tab will have its new look. By all indications, this update should take place over the next few weeks, but there is no specific date.  

      Fonte: the verge

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