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    Images of the alleged control developed by Google appear in the media

      Old rumors say that Google is working on a console. The technology giant's idea would be to produce a video game based entirely on streaming.

      The news is that the company is expected to make an important reveal at GDC 2019 on March 19. To complete the speculation about the console, images of an alleged control of the possible project ended up leaking in the media. He is being called Yeti.

      The internet giant, since 2014, has already shown interest in entering the lucrative electronic game market. So, most likely, the company should launch something new for the sector very soon. Google has not commented on the matter, which generates even more suspicion.

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      Images of the alleged control developed by Google appear in the media

      Images leak about alleged Google video game control.

      According to the images, the console has an audio button, which should serve to search by voice and use the company's digital assistant.

      Images of the alleged control developed by Google appear in the media

      Supposedly Google video game controller.

      The look of the console may not be the most attractive, but it is in line with current models. Taking into account that it will have to run games by streaming, which are processed through servers and the video is sent to the player over the internet, the control can even be from Google's video game.

      Google has yet to comment on the fact. Let's wait and see what the company is preparing for news. And you, what did you think about the possible control of the Google console?

      Source: Trecobox

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