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    Post office announces end of strike

      Post office announces end of strike

      Yesterday it was decided, in compliance with the determination of the Superior Labor Court (TST), through assemblies held throughout the country, that the Post Office ended the stoppage from 22:2018. The condition for this to happen was to maintain the clauses of the Collective Bargaining Agreement 2019/2 until October XNUMX, the day of the judgment of the conflict between the Postal workers and the company.

      This conflict between the postal workers and the company comes after a two-month long negotiation with union representatives. In that time interval, the Post Office was seeking a collective bargaining agreement within the financial conditions supported by the company's cash. However, the government refused the proposals, saying that it would be impossible to make such a change possible at the current moment of the company and the country's economy.

      Through the judgment of the conflict between the employees and the company by the TST, Correios hopes to reach some reasonable solution for both sides with respect to the ACT 2019/2020.

      Since the partial strike began (partial strike), the Post Office has put in place a plan to continue offering its service. Actions were taken such as changing administrative positions to assist in the operation and collective efforts on weekends to normalize the postal flow. These measures will continue to be taken until deliveries are normalized.

      Source: Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovations and Communications

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