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    UN document shows that Spain is one of the countries that most accesses the internet

      Spain is a very populous country, and more and more people are looking for internet access. Recently, the digital report published by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD, showed such a trend. Now, a new study reinforces that Spain is the fourth country in number of people with access to the web.

      According to the document entitled "Information Economy 2017: Digitization, Trade and Development", Spain is the fourth country with the highest absolute number of internet users with 120 million people connected to the web. Leading the way are the United States, with 242 million, India, with 333 million, and China, with 705 million.

      UN document shows that Spain is one of the countries that most accesses the internet

      A UN document shows that Spain is one of the countries that most accesses the Internet.

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      The UN study showed that developing countries, such as Spain, Mexico and Nigeria, had growth rates averaging 4% and 6% in the period corresponding to the years 2012 to 2015. The number is quite high compared to developed countries , with the exception of Japan.

      The growth is directly associated with the ease of access provided by technology, such as the advancement of broadband, internet present in mobile devices, as well as the decrease in costs. Broadband, even so, in developing countries, continues to be considered expensive for a large part of the population.

      When compared to developed countries, broadband in developing countries can cost up to three times more, while mobile is twice as much. The numbers are from the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

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