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    World Wide Web turns 30 years old

    Anyone who is over 30, like me, must remember the beginnings of the internet very well. Initially, few had access to the service, luckily I was lucky enough to keep up with the news and progress of the virtual world.

    Browsing the internet is now a natural and necessary thing, as a large part of the world's population already has access to the web. The younger audience, unlike us (over 30 years old) seems to have been born with such information about accessing the network.

    The protocol that ended up formalizing the internet is completing 30 years, and its inventor was the English scientist Tim Berners-Lee. He invented a series of rules so that computer programs called browsers could access information organized in pages, the websites. These pages can contain texts, images, videos and even be linked to each other. The web was the first step towards the arrival of internet to a wider audience of people.

    World Wide Web turns 30 years old

    World Wide Web turns 30 years old.

    Large companies such as Google, Facebook, YouTube, Netflix, Twitter, among others, were born on the web, and only later became part of mobile devices.

    Not everything is a party

    This Tuesday (12) the World Wide Web is completing 30 years, and even though it has arrived to facilitate the transmission of information, being very useful for humanity, not everything is rosy. Many problems still need to be fixed, says Tim Berners-Lee, its creator.

    "Today, 30 years after my original proposal for an information management system, half the world is online. It's a time to celebrate how far we've come, but also an opportunity to reflect on where we still have to go," said Berners-Lee. , in letter. "The web has become a public square, a library, a medical clinic, a mall, a school, a design studio, an office, a bank and much more. Of course, with each new feature, with each new website, the distance between those who are online and those who are not is increasing, making it even more imperative to make the web accessible to everyone".

    Despite all the opportunities the web has opened up, it has also "created opportunities for scammers, given a voice to those who spread hate, and made all kinds of crimes easier to commit."

    To resolve the various issues related to the problems of the web, Berners-Lee advocates the creation of a Contract for the Web, with the participation of governments, companies and citizens. According to him, governments need to "translate new laws and regulations for the digital age".

    Now, with the passage of time, the trend is that web and internet end up becoming synonymous. In this way, one will be centered on the other and both will be part of the users' routine. The web should decentralize from computers and become more present on mobile devices.

    Source: Leaf 

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