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    Google Photos brings new features and new app icon

    Starting today, Google will start updating Google Photos. Google's "gallery" app is five years old and has gradually changed the way we maintain and review our memories over time. Google said that more people are using the Google Photos app to access their memories, […]


    By 2021, 90% of games sold will be downloadable

    According to a study recently released by the European institute Idate DigiWorld, digital sales of electronic games will grow significantly in the coming years. Therefore, the expectation is that, by 2021, 93% of the games sold will be through downloads, and not […]


    Overwatch will get a Hero ban system, Hero Pools

    Many players have been waiting for some time for Overwatch developer Blizzard to implement a hero ban system in the game. In Rainbow Six: Siege, Dota 2 and League of Legends (LoL) titles, for example, users are already allowed to vote on the characters of the opposing […]